A quick story
It’s a sunny Saturday afternoon. I’m sitting on my back porch soaking up the warm day, reading and enjoying some good quiet time.
I take a quick break from my book, grab my cell phone, and start scanning my email. There’s a new message from one of my friends. The subject line catches my attention–“A bit unusual.”

You know those times when you get the perfect message at the perfect time? I can feel this is definitely going to be one of those times.
Hey Sibyl,
I came across this video a week ago and since that time so much settled in for me. I just watched it again and thought I should forward it to you. Some of it is personal and applies to my life right now…nothing you don’t know. But, most of it is about these times we’re in right now. I think you’ll also find it helpful. Let me know.
Needless to say, the video was filled with insights, wisdom and pointers in the right direction.
But, here’s the really interesting part and why I’m telling you all of this.
One of the big messages in the video was a message that applies to so many of us right now. It gives a lot of clarity about how to manage through these times we’re in.
Okay, so what's the message?
It’s actually pretty simple. Just 3 words. Choose the change!
As you know, it’s been a time of significant change. There’s so much shifting and changing in the world and for many of us personally. There are also a lot of unknowns and aspects we can’t control.
But, one thing you can control and decide today is how you’re aligning with these times.
We can “Choose the change” and grow in the best ways–tending to our inner growth and aligning our daily actions with our goals, dreams or whatever we want to focus in on and accomplish this year.
You choose to align yourself with this “season of change” and know that by doing so you’ll come out the other side grounded, stronger, and successful.
Because in one way or another, each of us is being invited to step forward into “Something More.” Whether or not you accept the invitation is a choice you get to make.
And, why not take advantage of this moment in time and this opportunity?
You’ve already come so far and grown in many important ways. In fact, think back to where you were a couple of years ago. Think about everything you’ve gone through, the ways you’ve grown, and all you’ve accomplished. It’s been no small feat!
Now you’re here with a year filled with possibilities. Although there’s no overlooking the fact that these times are filled with uncertainty and there are still challenges many of us continue to manage through. These are also times of change that are ripe for accelerated growth and progress. We can handle both.
You successfully manage through the challenges of today while you set yourself up for a better tomorrow. It’s like that great quote by Ralph Marston reminds us…“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”
You get to imagine the next chapter of your life and start building it. Choose the Change!